Small gestational sacs - di/di twins

Hi there,

I had a singe frozen FET which was successful but seems like we also conceived naturally at the same time. Resulting in Di/Di twins.

I had my scan today and the babies were healthy and measuring up to date at 9w1d and HB were 176 for baby A and 173 for baby B. During my follow up with my doctor, she mentioned that the gestational sacs were measuring at 7w4d ( 12 days behind). She did say sometimes the gestational sac catches up, but it does increase risk of miscarriages. The nurse that I spoke with later in the day said it’s a 50/50 chance on how this can go.

I’m being transferred from the fertility clinic over to an OBGYN since they can no longer follow me and I might be waiting a while for another scan.

Googling is not helping cause it’s pointing to an impending miscarriage. I’ve had previous losses and gone through years of infertility, so you can imagine how anxious I am.

Can anyone share their experiences in a similar situation?