[IWantOut] 28M SWE -> FIN

I work as a welder with pretty good pay, but I have an undiagnosed injury because it's not visible enough to show up on scans. I've had it for 5 years, it's pain every day but my doctor won't admit there's any problem no matter how many symptoms or proof I have, logic is just out of the question because the scans is their almighty lord and savior which can do no wrong and I smoked weed when I was 15-19 so they just give me meds and call it a day.
I have a question I'd really appreciate an answer to which is, how deep did they dig asking for medical history when you applied for visa in another country? I missed most of my twenties on this injury and I'm fed up with doctors who are just looking to take out their prejudice of dumb patients on someone who does not deserve it.