desperately need a job. Writer. 20f.

SEO, CMS equipped. Can write faster and better than majority of the people, have relevant experience. Looking for remote preferably as I am still in college (resume is pretty strong tho) need a job asap cause family is facing a financial crisis, i can write about literally anything. Please help. 20f, Delhi based.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE - (latest to oldest) All were paid. I have tons of volunteering experience as well, apart from leading clubs and MUNs and stuff in college, school.

  1. Republic TV (output intern, news desk)
  2. India Today Global (Contractual, News Desk)
  3. India Today News desk (Content, SEO)
  4. Telangana Tribune (Content)
  5. Caravallo Productions (Script Writer, AD)
  6. BOI Immigration consultancy (Content Writer)
  7. North Monkey Marketing Agency (Content Writer) I also have a writing business but would share more deets about that personally if anyone is interested.