Regarding Soft Dommes in India

Hi and thanks for reading this. Basically im a softie sub so it would only be natural for me to look for a Soft Domme. So after a few months of searching i sadly can't find any. So I talked to a few people and they all told me the same thing and Im having a hard time with it

They said soft Dommes or people in Soft relationships are usually in it for the long term. Hence since they are win it for the long term it's hard to find them. What you do find is people with extreme kinks (CBT, WAX PLAY ETC. p.s again i do not know it this is a normalised kink or its extreme. It might be me so I apologise) who are in it for the short term. This makes it seem like they are everywhere. Im kinda down at this hard but yet pretty convincing truth. Would like your honest opinions on this matter please 💜