What do spontaneous arousals look like for women?
I have realised that the feminine arousal is much much more dispersed throught the body than the male arousal, which is more focused on the downthere.
While a female might feel like a euphoria throughout her body when aroused (relative to male), a male might feel more like gradually building peak near the D when aroused.
But this makes it hard for me to feel what the spontaneous arousal for a woman would feel like.
As in, are they just as i said about the arousal? Or are they probably more vulva specific...or maybe not, and just as dispersed..who knows. I'm open to all possibilities.
I'd love to know what these triggers can be, like, as in, can they be things like seeing a guy who is maybe considerate with say animals probably, or something more direct like actually seeing your celebrity crush's pic where he's flexing.
Tldr: what they can feel like, as in how dispersed/region sprcific they are?
I think this question isn't asked yet. So i hope you take part in it.🙌
Thanks for reading.❣️🙏