Want to invest in Stocks right now.

I've got like 15 lakhs right now to invest somewhere. Was thinking about buying gold or stocks. Which stocks should I buy right now which may give me good returns in short or long term! Tata Motors was around 620 some days ago and now it is 700. If I had bought 2000 shares at 620, i would've got 120k in a pretty short term. Any thoughts? I don't wanna be a FOMO buyer now as I've already like 7Lakhs invested which gave me effectively zero returns in like last two years as I didn't book my 45% profits in the bullrun which could've gave me like 3L profit before the market crash and now I'm seeing the Market rising again but it's kind of suspicious. I don't wanna lose any money, my portfolio went -1.50L in the crash and it has just recovered now. Want to invest again, wanna eat handsome profits but cautiously, without greed! Nobody really knows the Market, even the well experienced Market Pandits failed to gauge the market movement last year. Is there any telegram channel or something which gives short term tips or something like that! I've bought Uniwest premium but it's disappointing as I don't know which of its recommendation should I follow as I don't know how to read charts or do technical/fundamental analysis. Should I stick to mutual funds ?!? Any suggestions for lumpsum investment? Any stock idea?