Bro why my dad is so good?

Bro he literally never stops me from buying anything.

Few days ago I ordered some stuff from Amazon like around 12-13 items and opted for cash on delivery for all of them cause I yk was kinda shy to ask my dad to pay online(i still am) so I counted the money and kept it aside to give to the delivery boy. But I have a habit of waking up late so almost everyday when I would wake up, my mom would told me that there's a parcel for me. Everytime I find that the money has already been paid by my dad. He never asked what I had ordered. He just pays and leaves for work. Two of the items were a tws and it's cover which arrived on Holi and the total sum to be paid was ₹3000. Although I did ask my dad's permission whether I can buy the tws or not and he said yes but I never mentioned the price. So when it came my dad literally paid 3k and didn't even ask what was in the parcel. Bro how? And it's not like we are crazy rich or something. 3000 still is a significant amount for us. Bro even I myself would hesitate to pay 3000 if my son buys something like that. When I told him that I asked mom before buying it(I was dying from guilt) he said "koi baat nhi beta tujhe kisi cheez ki mana nhi he"(don't worry son, I'd never say no to you). Bro why?😭.In total I ordered stuff costing around ₹5500 and he never even bothered if I even ask him before ordering or not. Even if he asks what have I order and I give a vague answer like "it's just some stuff" he never even bothered to go in detail. He's like "ok".Every day some parcel would arrive at the door step and he paid for each of it. I even upgraded my glasses with a pair of lens costing ₹1200 and still nothing. And I'm not even counting the 200-300 eating stuff I order daily from zomato or whatever. And guess What we are going to shopping to buy some clothes and sneakers for me. And I know he wouldn't say no for expensive clothes and sneakers too. It might not sound very big thing for some of you but bro it's big for me😭. He's lowkey the chillest dad ever. I love him.