Rewatching yhm and

Ishita - What is the need to be everyone's saviour???? I mean seriously mann.... It is soo frustrating to even watch. I am currently on that mihir's family track. When shagun hire that sanjana girl to act as if she is mihir's sister. And ishita being ishita blindly trusted that girl she met two days that too about this sensitive thing. Idiot! She fought with mihir and raman, wasn't even ready to listen to their side of the story. Ugh women ugh.

She brought shagun home when she was drunk.... GREATTTT

Also when she saw param with sanjana, she was like "agar param ne tumhare saath kuch bhi galat kiya hai toh tell me, m tumhare saath khadi rahungi" blah blah blahh...... Why??? Don't you have anything else to do? Bs yahi krte rehna hai??? And what is the need to try to help everyone???? She wants to save simmi from param, wants to handle romi saarika situation, wants to reunite mihir and his sister, Get a life women.

Mihika - Ashok is clearly harrassing her every chance he gets. She clearly knows that ashok is an asshole, her jiju's number one enemy still decides to continue her job their. Why??? Ain't their other companies??? Can't she get a job in raman's company?

Madhvi - Why is she always poking her nose in bhalla house? I get it she's concerned about her daughter, but c'mon this is tooo muchhhh. She is always standing near their door, listening to what happening in their house. "Ishu how can they do this to you? Ishu what is happening??" Let Ishu breath mannn 😭😭😭 sometimes she was just too muchhh.

Also why did they ruin mihir and mihika??? 😭😭 They were like the cutest couple and they didn't let them end up together