21 [F4R] Bandung/online - Looking for friends!

hi i have previously made r4r post here which u can check on my profile! its more detailed and everything i said there still apply but i was inactive for a while as life gets busy and recently made the move to bandung, so i'm interested in making new friends here that i can maybe meet up & do activities together!

it would be great if ur the same age as me/currently on last year of uni as i wanna have some kinda support system for skripsian lol, but no worries if not! i'm open to make any new connections, as long as ur kind then thats all that matters to me. pls do check out my other r4r post to get a better idea of me as a person!!

thats all for me, looking forward to know u guys!! have a nice day and dont forget to drink waterrr 🐟