Second 'read' through but slightly cheating with a solution at hand.

So, to cut a long story short I'm currently finishing up an MSc and am somewhere in what feels like the mid stages of the dissertation write up which at times loops back to the beginning making it feel like the whole thing will need to be written again. Despair beckons but help is at hand in the form of DFW's friendly voice speaking to me through IJ helping both to pacify and soothe the somewhat jagged and frenetic thoughts banging round my head.

However, on this second read through I've resorted to the audiobook which on the one hand is exceedingly well read, Sean Pratt does an amazing job of enunciating and pacing the sentences in exactly the right way to enhance the subtleties, the humour and the overall meaning of certain passages; on the other hand: no footnotes.

My plan is this: continue listening to the audiobook to the end and once done pick up my hard copy and read just the footnotes from beginning to end without making reference to the main body of the text.

Why? Because it's my second read through and i feel I get to play a bit fast and loose with the rules of reading this time through, secondly because why not? and finally who knows if this way might not, in fact, yield some heretofore hidden links and obscured meanings.
