"Captured" indicator on machina portals

This can't be a bug - they had to have done this on purpose - but I really HATE the fact that, at certain zoom levels, machina portals have the "captured" indicator applied, as shown [here](https://imgur.com/rCw2Zf7). I always play with Captured/Inverted active so I can spot uniques, but because of this "feature", it's completely pointless with machina portals. Niantic, please change this!

[edit] Thanks to /u/StrangeSequitur for pointing out that this isn’t the Captured indicator. It turns out that all the indicator rings are smaller on machina portals. See an example here using the Scout Controlled flag. So, that red ring that appears when you zoom out on machina portals is something different. And I hate it. Niantic, please make it go away and make the indicator circles the same size as on all the other portals. That’s my birthday wish, so that gives you about 3 months. Thanks in advance.