My dog was stolen, have you seen him?

My dog was stolen by a roommate. Location is unknown, might be around Montclair or Chino area if not in Mexico in Tijuana. I am his registered owner and he is microchipped. I am unable to contact my roommate. I am moving out of state and need to leave by 4 am tomorrow to the airport my dog is supposed to be on the plane with me and my family. Please help me. The person he is with is not able to support the dog l have paid for all shots, doctor visits and dog food etc. I have proof of everything for the last 3 years. Person of interest name is Bryan Ramirez

My dog was stolen by a roommate. Location is unknown, might be around Montclair or Chino area if not in Mexico in Tijuana. I am his registered owner and he is microchipped. I am unable to contact my roommate. I am moving out of state and need to leave by 4 am tomorrow to the airport my dog is supposed to be on the plane with me and my family. Please help me. The person he is with is not able to support the dog l have paid for all shots, doctor visits and dog food etc. I have proof of everything for the last 3 years. Person of interest name is Bryan Ramirez