Instacart sucks!

I started doing Instacart in 2019. They used to give you a hundred dollar bonus if you got 5 stars for batch you shopped in a week. Then they said they wanted to recognize shoppers better so they took away $100 and gave us $5 for every 5 star review. So in 2022 going into 2023 they want to recognize great shoppers by giving us nothing.

When I started with Instacart it was my only job. I could shop while my kids were in school. I made decent money and was rewarded for $100 for 5 star reviews. I was a professional shopper and I loved it! People tipped and really enjoyed the service. I was previously a social worker so I thought Instacart was an extension. I shopped for the elderly, sick, busy family……..

I have a different full time job now but I still do Instacart on my days off. I sat around today waiting for something decent. Something that was worth me leaving my house for and guess what? Nothing! Instacart has become a joke for shoppers. I saw batches for $8 for 50 items and 5 miles. The batches that paid okay were normally triples with high mileage.

I can’t continue with Instacart anymore. I hate to see how they’re treating us shoppers anymore. It truly breaks my heart.