Should I bother removing vermiculite if it tests for no asbestos?
I have a split level house built in 1970, and inspecting my attic I found it has some vermiculite, concentrated at only one part of my attic, maybe only a few squire feet. the rest of it, Ive carefully lifted up the existing batt already in there to find no vermiculite.
I sent a sample to a lab that confirmed 0% asbestos detected, so with that in mind i proceeded, still wearing full PPE in my attic.
Ive gone through the process of removing roll insulation too withered, was moldy, and vacuumed up any rat droppings. I then replaced what I could with new R30 batts where I could. My next goal is to blow in cellulose where the batts could not fit and bring the whole space up to R60, or as high as i can go, since im not going to use it for storage.
My question is, with the test saying 0% asbestos, should i still pay for a removal company to remove the existing vermiculite before blowing in loose fill? I feel like a company would still charge me as if it was asbestos and I really cant afford a $10k+ removal, especially for what is only about 5 sq ft of vermiculite.
Just wondering the thoughts of others on this sub.
Thank you.