How is homeowners insurance priced when the age of the roof is unknown?

Purchased a house last year and insured it with Allstate. Told the agent over the phone exactly what I knew about the roof- that is, what the sellers inspection reported- “30 year roof in the 2nd half of its lifespan.” Well recently the renewal documents came and upon reading them I realized the agent input “Replaced: 2021” which isn’t what I told him and is almost certainly not true. So now I’m concerned about my own risk. Did I inadvertently commit insurance fraud by not catching the agent’s mistake/misrepresentation? Could the policy as currently written be declared null and void in the event that I do need to make a claim?

Also, if a specific roof replacement year is needed to write a homeowners policy and that isn’t knowable information, how is a year determined that doesn’t compromise the policy? The guy who lived in this house previously died in 2023. His heirs sold us the house and have no clue when the roof was replaced. There are no missing/loose shingles and no active leaks that I am aware of, but based on the amount of gravel in our gutters the roof is definitely more than 3 years old.