Millipede Care Question!
Hello! I have been looking everywhere and I cannot find any answers! What chemicals or cleaning products should I use/are safe to use on millipede enclosures and other materials (dishes/spray bottles etc.)?
The only result I found was on one website, which said 3% bleach solution should be used to clean enclosures, but I don't have any fact checking ability.
I know that millipedes' enclosures can he such thing as "too clean", and while I do not intend on using chemicals to clean their stuff more than necessary, I would like to get as close to disinfecting their enclosure and objects in the enclosure before I move them in. I know how to disinfect leaf litter and substrate materials for them, but I don't want to just go in with bleach or dish soap if that will hurt them.
Recommendations and input are more than welcome. Thank you so much!