About the beautystat serum 🤔

So my serum dropper upon opening looked like a lot of people who felt theirs was empty (at least but picture comparison) but I’m able to do what the instruction card said and get normal amounts of product. My thing is now I’m worried if there is a problem with it or not 🥲 like it’s a product that doesn’t have added fragrance so maybe that’s why it’s strong- can’t tell if it’s a “spoiled” smell or not. I tested it on my hand and blend out and felt smooth but it is a thick consistency and online I seen reviews saying it’s a milky consistency. Anyone else have an actual milky or runny consistency? The serum doesn’t drip down my face. I tried it on my face this morning- no irritation but I’m wondering if I should just not use it if it’s not supposed to be a strong scent and if it’s supposed to be milky/runny texture