What should I do about my fake friend?

A few years ago, I was in a really bad friend group. They would joke about Islam and just be incredibly mean in general. I never really felt comfortable around them, but at the time, I didn’t have anyone else to hang out with. I kept telling myself it wasn’t a big deal since we were all going to change schools soon anyway, so I just put up with it. But the truth is, it hurt—a lot. Some of the girls bullied me constantly, and their words affected me more than I like to admit. Every single day, they made me feel horrible about myself, and I would come home from school feeling drained and upset.

The only person who really knew how much it affected me was my best friend. She goes to a different school, but she was always there for me. I would call her every day after school, crying about the things they said this time. She listened to everything, comforted me, and always reassured me that I deserved better. She told me over and over again that the way they treated me was disgusting and that she would never, ever be friends with people like that.

This year, when we all changed schools, she ended up in the same class as some of those girls. At first, she told me that she wouldn’t talk to them, that she couldn’t even imagine being friends with them after everything they did to me. I believed her because I trusted her. But now, I see them hanging out together all the time. She talks about them, spends time with them, and acts like nothing ever happened. It honestly hurts so much because she was the one person who really knew how much pain they caused me. And now, it’s like none of that mattered.

I don’t know what to do or how to feel about this. Should I talk to her about it? Am I overreacting? It just feels like such a betrayal, and I don’t know how to move forward from it.