I debated Pro-Palestinians for 6 hours at UCLA. Here’s how it went.
I was genuinely curious to hear more, as someone who has family & friends in the IDF, and hearing the accusations being hurled at me on campus: I’ve done my research. What I didn’t know is that I’d done more research than every person who came up to accuse me of ‘ethnic cleansing’ or ‘genocide’ combined.
My sign read, "I'm a PROUD Zionist, ask me anything". And before you say anything about the statement being inflammatory. Consider this. I was in a public place stating my own opinion. Pro-Israel attitudes is the majority position of this country, Israel is the only Democracy in the middle east and the only country aligned with American interests in the middle east. My take wouldn't be controversial outside of campuses like UCLA.
I was doing this to see if there was any angle on the Israel-palestine conflict I hadn’t thought of, I was shocked to discover a much more revealing fact. That people on the other side seem to be happy to bask in their own sense of self-righteousness without doing any research or due diligence. They seem to take pride in their ignorance.
Despite some of my guests admitting they needed to do more research, the majority yelled profanities at me, and one person told me to unalive myself (no thanks) for being a Zionist. Hilariously, he was wearing a ‘Save the Bees’ shirt. He’s compassionate, only if you’re a quiet buzzing insect.
Many people on my show literally shouted lies at me, with such clarity and confidence I must admit I was too stunned to speak at times.
But I did speak. And we all need to. Lies are only won by truth. Evil is won by the good. Israel needs strength and truth more than ever right now.
The video in reference is here (https://youtu.be/vdR9RX669UI), if you're curious what I'm talking about.