JBL tws are a piece of crap

/=uck you jbl for creating this piece of cr@p that act like it has down syndrome or smth It behaves so random some times L aint charging and R aint pairing like all the possinle combination of problems that can exists for 2 buds in the field of pairing and charging

Ngl a Chinese unbranded piece of plastic box that has disco lights running all over can do better than this cr@p

I mean why dont you just quit the production of tws instead of scamming people /=uck the sound quality when you cant even use the earphone

Who ever designed this "tune beam" piece of dog shit should rot in hell without dyng!!! 4.5k INR for nothing??? ma chda behenc*d!!!

All thanks to my uncle for bringing this cr@p from uae I wouldn't even have dreamt of buying tws from jbl due to the expirence i had with wave beam(still better than tune tho)