Howler's Stand Name.

This is literally just a bit of a theory, and a guess based on one singular detail and something Araki stated recently.

I think that Howler doesn't actually know he has a stand yet, and it's only manifesting now because of the stressful situation he's finding himself in.

The design, having a flower, and rocky ground like texture and small caves on the back makes me.feel like the ability will have the ability to control land it embeds into, in response to Howler feeling like he's losing the land that rightfully belongs to him.

I imagine this ability will have a large radius, like 50 meters. And can change landscapes, creating sinkholes, mountains, changing elevations, changing the path of water ways. A bunch of possibilities.

But Araki has recently stated that he has liked Billie Eilish's music. And Howler's stand has a flower on the head. And with his stand manifesting in his time of need while being something he never knew of leads me to believe his stand will be named Wildflower. In reference to the Billie Eilish song.

This is literally just a bit of a theory, and a guess based on one singular detail and something Araki stated recently.

I think that Howler doesn't actually know he has a stand yet, and it's only manifesting now because of the stressful situation he's finding himself in.

The design, having a flower, and rocky ground like texture and small caves on the back makes me.feel like the ability will have the ability to control land it embeds into, in response to Howler feeling like he's losing the land that rightfully belongs to him.

I imagine this ability will have a large radius, like 50 meters. And can change landscapes, creating sinkholes, mountains, changing elevations, changing the path of water ways. A bunch of possibilities.

But Araki has recently stated that he has liked Billie Eilish's music. And Howler's stand has a flower on the head. And with his stand manifesting in his time of need while being something he never knew of leads me to believe his stand will be named Wildflower. In reference to the Billie Eilish song.