Turn-Based games with major emphasis on combat visuals?
Just watched the trailer for Nitro Gen Omega and it really scratched an itch I didn't know I had for turn-based games; I guess stuff like Persona 5 would be another decent example of something I've played in that vein but I'm really curious to find out if there are any other turn-based games with lots of time and effort put into the actual visuals of combat.
Like for example of wHAT I DON'T WANT; when I cast fireball it sets the enemy on fire for a second and they glow red, maybe there are some sparkles or a 1-second casting animation where I do a cool pose in HD before attacking; thats what fireball normally does in a turn-based game.
WHAT I DO WANT is a game where I choose to cast fireball and then it cuts to this really dramatic, extravagant shot of my character shooting a fire kamehameha, and then it cuts to another crazy shot of the enemy dodging the attack. And there are different reaction animations per every enemy. Like the player and the enemy choose their attacks and then a cool sequence of dynamic animations/reactions/clashes can happen, and give me some visual eye candy to look at after the slow-strategy stuff.
any console is fine