Prices increased last night/this morning
So I am glad I got to order the smudge lavender rabbit, but I noticed that the other two I had in my cart for a while waiting for the release went up in price overnight. Mortimer fox went from 28 to 30 and large smudge elephant went from 75 to 80. It’s just very frustrating when these are already not cheap and then they up the prices the night before a highly anticipated release. So not only do we have to deal with resellers setting insane prices, but also the company themselves seems to be basically price gouging. I am going off of memory on these prices so I could be mistaken, but I looked at my cart multiple times in the last couple of days and I’m pretty certain that they were 28 and 75. I’m just frustrated and sick of the artificial inflation of everything. I understand they have this new surge of popularity, but I’m sure they were profitable before so to up the prices now when they can’t even keep a consistent stock feels greedy.