Bring him back >:( This poor guy literally has been treated so badly by everyone forever and on screen even literally everybody only used him whenever it was convenient!!! Even Jentry!!! He tries so hard to tell her before everything goes south, then gets attacked when he tries to get help, then even when Jentry comes back she only wants to exploit him and then discard him again? No wonder dude takes the robes to Cheng he's trying to make himself "good enough" for only person who's shown him kindness and validated that he might be able to be seen as an actual Person with Value and not just a soulless monster. Y'all I just have a lot of feelings about Kit he has done literally nothing wrong except make very human mistakes and he gets repeatedly ostracized and finally KILLED about it :'( That's all I just needed to get that out lol really hope we get to see him again & the show gets some more fandom :/