My rulebook questions

Hello, just got the home game today, super excited, and want to clarify some rulebook questions I have. SPOILER for rules I guess.

  1. Page 28-29, Radar Questions. "If the radar would encompass part of your hiding zone, but not your location at the time of answering, it would be a miss." Does this mean that it would be ok for a hider to move around in their hiding zone, if for example the radar went right through their hiding zone, to affect the answer of the question? That would be legal?
  2. Page 41, Hiding. If, hypothetically, you were on a bus when your hiding zone ended, would your hiding zone be the last bus stop that was served by the bus or your next bus stop and you had to get off? What if you were taking a bus across a bridge and couldn't get back to your previous bus stop (and hiding zone)?
  3. Page 44-45, Hiding, The Hider Deck. If you have a full deck, and then draw a card that is playable, can you play it immediately or do you have to discard a card first? Does a immediately drawn card exist in a state of limbo before you decide to play it immediately or does it immediately enter your deck?
  4. In general, can you pick a hiding station that you didn't take public transport to. For example, I take a bus to one stop, and then walk a quarter mile to another stop. Could I claim that second stop as my hiding station if I didn't actually reach it via transit.
  5. Also, can I pick any transit stop that is within a hiding zone of me when my hiding time expires. Say I am playing the medium game, and my hiding radius is 0.25 miles. if I am in a dense area with lots of bus stops within a quarter mile of me, can I claim whichever one I want to be my hiding station or is it strictly your closest station when your hiding time ends?


Edit: thank you all for your responses, I appreciate you all taking the time to do that! They were very helpful and cleared some stuff up.