Has anyone helped change people’s minds re: antisemitism?
I gently confronted a friend who posted something inadvertently antisemitic online, & the friend apologized sincerely and offered to listen. Trying to talk to people this past year has been so disappointing and exhausting, and I often come here to vent and commiserate. But I’m curious about any stories anyone might have about friends or family that came around, considered our perspective, took time to listen and learn and potentially had a change of heart.
One of my closest friends has made remarks here and there that were really painful to hear, & the conversations haven’t been easy. But she has read things I’ve shared with her and recently sent me Dara Horn’s recent article saying it was clarifying for her and echoed a lot of what I’ve shared about.
The person I’d considered my best friend has made remarks that offended me so terribly I have mostly avoided her all year, but she also listened to me and seemed to take in what I said and told me about a time she confronted someone in our community for being antisemitic.
I know this is a bit sad, looking for breadcrumbs of hope. But if anyone is willing to share any stories where there was even a small breakthrough, I think it could be really helpful to read.