Antisemitism is everywhere, I am scared.

This is my first time posting here, let me give some context. I am a Jewish 17 year old. I go to a Jewish school. I am not big into politics although I do feel inclined to support Israel. I am not very religious. Many of my relatives were Holocaust survivors. For my whole life I was told that antisemitism is real and it’s a problem. I never listened. Like I said, I go to a Jewish school, I am very shielded from hatred. Atleast I thought. I have been experiencing antisemitism on social media, especially places like TikTok. There is just so much hate, SO MUCH. People in comment section joke about and deny the Holocaust, pretend (atleast I hope) to like Hi**er, and just say horrible theories about Jews. I go back and forth with myself on this matter. Most of the times I try to ignore it. When I don’t, it gets to me. It has been getting to me a lot lately. Sometimes I contemplate if I even want to be Jewish. As I said, I am not religious and I don’t participate in many Jewish activities so my thought process is, you don’t partake in this, so why be subjected to hatred for the rest of your life. I want to be Jewish but I am horrified to be. I know this was a poorly structured rant but I have nobody else to turn to in life, anyone at my school will say to just be strong, but that’s not enough of an answer for me. I need advice/help, I am scared.