Jewish fetish stuff must be stopped.

I’m not even a Jewish girl but this shit has gone too far. I have read forums and stories of people being obsessed with fetishising Jewish women and girls. This shit started years ago and isn’t fun or quirky or funny. It’s plain degrading. Now I know there’s the fun Rachel Bloom “I Got Them Heavy Boobz” side of this in comedy, but that is a very specific niche, and I must admit that I am guilty of making these jokes. I’ve read about how bad it makes Jewish girls feel so I will no longer even entertain the thoughts of this stuff.

The kind of stuff you’ll see online is awful regarding it and the amount of men who will either fake being Jewish or make Jewish women exotic is astounding. My heart honestly feels bad for all of the Jewish women who have had to deal with this weird and immature shit.

The whole fetishising of boobs and noses and hair is terrible. Yes, I’m aware we have the best looking men and women and even though some of us are voluptuous and have strong noses and gorgeous hair, it’s not for other people to use as a toy!

If you’re a Jewish girl and you’ve been through this stuff, my heart goes out to you and please find a better guy.

Jewish fetishism is not ok

Edit: Yes, I’m a dude, and yes I’ve made these jokes. I’ve realized that they are foul and THIS STUFF NEEDS TO STOP