2 priests go to a motel
2 priests go to a motel, they are going to shower and the shower area is close to their room. Once they have arrived at the showers and undressed one of them notices they have no soaps. So one of the priests offers to grab a couple of soaps from their motel room.
Once he has grabbed them he’s on his way through the hallway back to the showers, and he notices 3 nuns coming down the hall. The priest freaks out and doesn’t know what to do, so he decides to stand still against the wall to pretend he’s a statue.
One of the nuns notice him and drags his privates once and he drops a bar of soap, and she says “it’s a soap dispenser” and so the second nun decides to do the same.
When it’s time for the third nun she drags his privates once and nothing happens. She is curious and drags again and again and in the end she says to the other nuns “look there’s liquid hand soap too!”