Random Questions

John and Patsy were married for 7 years before they had Burke, making her 31 at the time of his birth. That’s nothing to bat an eye at these days but 35 years ago for a rich woman with no personal career aspirations it seems strange to me that she/they waited that long. Does anyone have any insight on that? Was she devoting her energy to her stepchildren? I read that she made sure John’s girls had lavish coming out parties. But wouldn’t their mom do that? Which leads me to my next question. I’ve heard almost next to nothing about John’s ex-wife. Did the two women have a good relationship? How was Patsy as a step-mother? And last more random question: when the Ramseys moved to Boulder, did they renovate that house to what it was at the time of the murder with the huge add-on addition or it was purchased that way?