Morgana and Zyra - in lower elos?

I’m in need of an AP champ, and after trying many of them - to complement my pool where Viego and Wukong are already comfortable and rent free - I cannot find one that clicks to me.

I have tried Diana, Shyv, Nunu, Amumu, and more; and despite they have their pros and cons (as everyone) I simply don’t feel connected to them and I don’t see myself putting hours into them.

I love Lilia, and I used to play with her a lot; but after a few games in this season I feel like she struggles to get into the game OR she falls of a cliff in the late game or after one shutdown.

Now my question about Morgana and Zyra. They clearly have what I consider it’s the main counter to many of the most popular picks of this season, hard CC. They are good into objectives, good against many comps that I see nowadays, I also think their kit can provide good value in several comps, etc etc. However, I see that they have a need of something you don’t see too often in lower elos: follow up by your teammates.

Is this assumption correct? Can they “solo” carry? Any OTP of them that can give me some insights?

Thanks a lot for everyone’s input!!