Begging. Pleading. Screaming. Crying. Please help.
Hi. I'm at my Wit's End. I've played on and off for a few years, mostly ranked. Desperate to not be in Iron anymore. Welcoming any and all advice.
I one-tricked kindred for a few years, but I wasn't nearly consistent enough with them to climb. Got to understand the role of jungle, but playing for my marks never clicked in the way that it should have. Now I'm one-tricking Diana (mostly because I know she's really strong right now, but I also really like to play as her). I had some success early on, but now I feel like every game is a coin toss.
I'm not arrogant enough to think me teams are the problem. They're Iron IV, I'm Iron IV. We're at rock bottom alongside the other team and I understand that if I want to climb, I need to be better than that.
My perceived strengths
- I think I do a pretty decent job farming in the early game. Been trying really hard to always be at my camps on spawn
- I play with chat off and manage to keep my cool 99% of the time
- more recently (except for my worst games), I feel that I've done a really good job of staying alive/only fighting when I know I can win
- I really prioritize vision
- I'm kinda nasty when it comes to stealing objectives
My perceived weaknesses
- I'm getting used to the idea of jungle tracking, but after my first couple of resets, I get lost
- I try my best not to fight assassins, but when I do, I have no idea what to do
- When I get an early lead I don't how to convert it in to a win; it almost feels like if I/my team is ahead early, it's a guaranteed loss
Please feel free to check out my stats and whatnot and ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.
Thank you in advance,
a worn out diana