What is the relationship between the brain and consciousness in Nondual Shaiva Tantra?

I realize this question may be a little bit anachronistic, since Abhinavagupta probably did not study neuroscience. :) So I'm asking for anyone's best guess.

What is the brain according to Kashmir Shaivism?

For example, in nondual physicalism, the brain IS the consciousness. That runs into the Hard Problem of Consciousness. In dualism, brain is just a computer that the soul accesses.

But from what I understand, in Nondual Idealist systems of thought like Kashmiri Shaivism or general Nondual Shaiva Tantra, all objects in this world are just "images" in the Divine Consciousness (Shakti). And we perceive them because each of us, as a jiva, is a focused point of view of Shiva.

But what about the brain itself? What is its role and really identity/ontology in this system?

Thanks! 🙏🏻