What makes you Kemetic?
This may seem like an odd question, or even an obvious one. I’m new to the community. My gf has passively worshipped Thoth for years. She made a necklace depicting an ibis on it for me when I became concerned that an ex-friend of mine, who was pagan, had cursed me (note that I am a very paranoid person, so she most likely didn’t.) My gf told me she had prayed to Thoth, and left it on the alter she has for him for a few days to weeks before she finally gave it to me. That was back in August. I only take it off to shower. Since then, I’ve felt a connection to Thoth. Recently, it’s gotten stronger. I care for him deeply, and think that Thoth guided me and my gf together all those years years (we met by a complete stroke of luck that I’ve always considered to be divine, even when I didn’t have a way to express it.) Thoth calls to me like no other deity has.
But, I don’t know what religion I am. I’m definitely spiritual in some way, but I struggle to find a name to describe it. I did research on kemetism. I don’t really know how to feel about Netjur, and from what I’ve read, you have to worship them. I don’t know much about ancient egypt, getting all my information from my gf. I remember when I was looking into kemetism, I read about this popular figure, I believe she was one of the founders of the new age kemetic movement, who was considered some type of holy figure. I don’t believe that one person has more power over others in religion, it’s all about the relationship you have with the God or Gods you worship. In other words, I refuse to follow the words of a currently living person. I am only interested in worshipping Thoth.
Would I be described as just a pagan? or would I be considered kemetic, or any other religion? My instinct would to call myself kemetic, but I don’t want to claim to be apart of a community I know little about, and might not even be accepted into. I’m sorry if this is confusing, I have a hard time putting my thoughts to words