What's a specific group of people you dislike?

Me, people who hold/express strong opinions about issues they don't quite understand.

I was having a conversation on the political and economic state of the world right now, Jaden style, when halfway through I realized I’d started an argument with someone who doesn’t know shit about how the world works. I’m not an expert, not even close. But at least I know enough to recognize what I don’t know. Meanwhile, this guy was out here regurgitating half-baked twitter takes and conspiracy theories.

Honestly, that’s on me. The moment I clocked that he was as he was, I should have let it go. But I let my ego drag me deeper, thinking maybe I could make him think. Instead I got stuck in a verbal treadmill while he just kept sprinting forward on pure ignorance and confidence alone.

I admitted frankly to the things I didn't know, because that’s how actual learning works. But instead of engaging like a reasonable person, this brother had the audacity to use it as a stick to beat me with, like his uninformed confidence somehow trumped my self-awareness. Man was talking about “Well, if you don’t even know that, then maybe you shouldn’t have an opinion,” while simultaneously butchering basic history, basic economics and geopolitics. I was getting gaslit by a man who thinks BRICS is a cryptocurrency.

I feel dumb, not just for wasting my time, but because other people were around. To them, it probably just looked like two clueless guys arguing loudly about things they don’t understand. I know I should’ve disengaged but now I’m lumped in with him as “those people” who argue just to hear themselves talk. Man I did this to myself. Ruto Must Go.