I’ve been the guy women always describe on social media.

I’ve been that guy who buys flowers and sends them to her workplace, I’ve been that guy who’d get home early and decide prepare a meal ndio “Mamaa” akifika akule, I’ve been the guy who gives her money for hair, nails and shopping, I’ve been the guy who’s always caring, I’ve been the guy who plans for vacations, pays for the flight and AirBNB outside Kenya, I’ve been the guy who takes her to a shopping mall to shop some clothes and end up paying for them, I’ve been the guy who’d send girlfriends allowance.

Guess what was the outcome? Niliona vumbi kama tsunami🌊.

Not even the rainy Nairobi weather could save me from dust.

Sikua naaamini, ata kupata usingizi ilikua shida 💔😂😂😂

I can still offer all those but before tufike hapo vetting itakua ngumu kushinda ile ya Cabinet Secretaries.