Shipping issue with Max
let me start off by saying i've ordered multiple pair of shoes from Max directly and haven't had this issue before, so this is not an indictment on his service.
i recently ordered a pair of GT Cuts from Max (i know i overpaid, should've ordered from agent, blah blah blah). Anyway, where i'm located in the US it usually takes about 8-9 days from the time the package is received by the carrier to reach me from the origin in Shenzhen. as an aside i actually ordered a pair of KB6's 2 days prior that should be arriving today or tomorrow.
the last update i got on the GT Cuts was Nov 9th "package departed the facility". the typical path my shoes take is Shenzhen > York (UK) > New York (US) > destination city (with various stops at sorting/distribution centers in between). as i said this usually happens over the span of 8-9 days.
i'm not sure how there has been zero updates on the shipping for over a week now. i've communicated this to Max and he said there was "some problems during the 7th-11th" that apparently caused a flight to be postponed. if this were true i don't know why the KB6's that started transit on the 7th had no issues or delays. i'm starting to think they were lost in transit.
has anybody that ordered from Max as recently as last week been dealing with this? i understand delays due to customs hold ups are out of his hands, and totally case dependent, but this package hasn't even made it out of the origin country yet according to the tracking.