The truth about the LOL podcast

Yesterday I was driving my 11 year old daughter to her dance training when she brought up a girl named Harper. I'm pretty sure she was watching her on Tik-Tok earlier in the day. Anyways, I went to go check out Harper's platform to see what all of the rage was about. I soon discovered the LOL podcast on Harper's page. I watched a few episodes because I'm pretty sure my daughter watches it too. I have to say, as entertaining as they are, I'm extremely angered with the content that the hosts: Cash and Kate put out. Cash is always calling his wife, Kate, fat. He even compared her to the family game: Pop! the Pig. I truly hope that young boys don't come across this podcast and learn from Cash. Next, the three adults: Cash, Kate, and Maverick are all in their young 20s, but Harper seems to be around 14-15. I found this a little weird considering these adults are friends with her. Do they really not have any friends their own age? I don't see their relationship as creepy, but more as totally embarrassing for the adults. They often clickbait with their thumbnail covers, and they often make inappropriate titles such as pregnancy rumors, and plane crashes. After watching the LOL podcast, I went upstairs and took my daughter's phone away, (How long should I keep it? Comment below!) But at the end of the day, Harpers a cool girl, and I wish my daughter was more like her. Overall, the main reasons this podcast sucks is because of how annoying everyone is, the clickbait, and fat shaming.

signing off, Barbara Z. Fletcher

(Please do not leave any hate! I am a single mother of two and all I want to do is look out for my beautiful kids)

#lolpodcast #harperzilmer #cashbaker #maverickbaker #katebaker #itsmyopinion