Heavy Speaking Issues
Hey y'all, new to the subreddit and I see people talking about the same kinda diets in here that I strangely enough didn't hear about anywhere else yet. My conception until now was that the ph value of food is important for activating the pepsines in my throat, but anyway I didn't find any pH list for food, so that's not a big help. However meats are supposed to be low pH and are really bad to eat according to EVERY article I found yet. Many people here recommend it as one of their main things to eat. Can anyone explain this? Cause I've been dealing with such strong speaking issues and throat pain that I didn't properly speak to my gf in a couple weeks and it doesn't get any better even though I don't speak at all. Shit can't stay how it is rn and I don't wanna sacrifice a relationship. Thanks a bunch for any answers and have a good day.