Criticisms of the campaign should not be dismissed
Anyone checking threads today probably knows what this is in response to. I think this is worth discussing.
The campaign is a major part of the game. It is the first touch everyone has to the game, its systems, the game's difficulty, and everything else. For more casual players, the campaign is all that players will ever play. I've personally brought about a dozen friends into this game, and literally one of them has stepped foot in empowered monoliths. All of them liked the game to one degree or another.
For those players, and I imagine the typical first-timer, the campaign takes many hours to get through. Probably 20+. Yeah, that's a long time, but if you're not looking up a guide, watching videos on how to do it quickly, have to read every skill, every passive, every ability, figure out crafting, and are actually playing the campaign by killing enemies you encounter, it will take that long to complete.
The campaign matters. Complaints about the campaign are valid complaints. Dismissing complaints about the campaign because they aren't true of the endgame is absurd. Telling players to ignore the campaign to get to the endgame is also extremely out-of-touch with casual gamers and first-timers. It may be decent advice, but it's also pretty reasonable for a person to not want to do that. It's the equivalent of "The game gets good after 20 hours". Nah, no thanks, I'm good.
I'm pretty blown away by how negatively so many responded by someone saying that they lost interest during the campaign because it was too easy. Many repeated upvoted comments mocking someone for judging a game they'd only played 5% of.
It is fine to lose interest in a game after 5-10 hours of play if it is not engaging to you, and a complaint of lack of difficulty is a perfectly reasonable complaint. Mockery for that is absurd, to me. Why should we expect someone who isn't gripped by the first 10 hours of a game to keep playing it?