I would really apreciate for streamers to stop dragging PoE/LE communities into this "drama". I'm willing to bet 95% of aRPG players will play both games and are ok with recent release dates of new content.

Yes, both games are dropping content around the same time.
That's nothing new in gaming world. For 95% of players that's non issue.
Folks will spend a little bit of time here a little bit of time there - that's litearlly it. Some will prioritize LE some PoE2. Normal stuff.

Not to mention that new content is gonna be here till next one drops so that means a good couple of months to try out both PoE 2 and LE.

But here comes streamers. They KNOW it's an issue for them because they want to maximize THEIR profit so they're wondering how the hell they gonna do that now when 2 games that will give them tons of views are releasing content at the same time.
And don't get me wrong - it's their job so I get that they're thinking about $$ in all this.
But I would REALLY apreciate if they would stop making "PoE2/LE Drama is killing aRPGs!" or "PoE2/LE is causing a fracture in aRPG genre!" bullsh*t videos and dragging both communities into all that crap simply because they're worried about maximizing their own profit.