Leblanc Rework Feedback

(I will post this in the Feedback thread once it comes up)

I’ve just played with it in PBE and I must say that this rework is overall amazing. A lot of its aspects are a hit and were translated into the new version beautifully. Comparing old vs new, I do have a very complete and detailed list of changes about some of her skins, her passive ability and animations. These should be realistic changes, doable within the PBE timeframe, so they’re not too hard to do:

  • Animation-wise, the only thing I’d change is in her walking animation. I feel like the arm that is not holding the staff is too high up while she runs, making her look a little hunched. If the arm was lower, her walk would be a lot more graceful.
  • Second, for all her skins I’d like it if the chains of her E ability (Ethereal Chains) came out of her hand like before, instead of her whole body. It gives a better sense of imprisonment. Please make it so that the chain VFX is attached to her hand bone instead.
  • Third, I think her Passive ability could have some quality-of-life changes that were made to other clone abilities before. Making her clone mirror her abilities (like Shaco) would be amazing. Basically, if she casts Q while the clone is up, the clone should also perform the Q animation (but without the damage of course), and so on. I was also expecting more clones with this rework, like instead of just one clone, that at least two spawned. But I understand if it’s too much.

Now to her skins:

  • I’ll start with Bewitching, because this 3D model was *really downgraded* comparing it to the old one. The old version had a lot of texture and color tones that went amazing with the theme, the cape/wings were great. I don’t know what happened with the new version, the outfit lost texture, the tones are dull and off, the inside of her wings and collar is just a flat color. Please have another pass with this specific skin, it was downgraded a lot.
  • Ravenborn Leblanc: in her 3D model, I think the inside of her cape and collar are too neon. The skin calls for more subtle tones of blue, and the neon makes it look weird. Please lower the saturation of the blue inside her cape and collar.
  • IG Leblanc: the 3D model is missing silver borders at the bottom, it’s just a flat gradient now. Compare the new and the old one and you can see how the old cape is much more detailed at the bottom.
  • Coven and Prestige: Both versions lost the idle feathers falling around Leblanc at all times, please restore them. The recalls also lost a lot of the flowers in both versions, so please bring them back. And I’m a bit disappointed that she lost her unique idle animation. If it’s possible to add it back, please do, but I think I can let this slide since the new idle looks great anyways.
  • Prestige Coven specifically: this skin lost idle sparkles that fell around Leblanc at all times, please restore them. Her “cape” or wings, and her whole outfit now looks a bit dull and is like a “dirty yellow” tone. I think restoring the warm, slightly brighter tones like it was before is better for this specific skin. The white boots are missing? Please restore them. The Prestige recall seems to have the 3D mesh bugged at one frame of the recall (it stretches unnaturally, it’s visible while watching the recall), please fix that.
  • World 2020 Leblanc: The cape looks quite ugly, I think this might be the worst skin just because of the cape. It didn’t necessarily look pretty before either, but I think lowering the saturation and adding more texture in her cape can make it better. The recall also seems to have a visual bug with the bottom platform, it seems to be displaying another platform texture on top of the platform (basically, the platform seems to be doubled) and it looks bad, so please remove that extra upper platform.
  • Debonair Leblanc: The older model had perfect textures, and on the new one the brightness and texture was lost quite a bit. The hair needs to be more saturated like the old one, the tone is completely different. The outfit doesn’t pop a lot like before and the cape looks worse than the old one. Please have another pass on this skin.
  • Risen Leblanc: Finally, the 3D outfit in Risen lost a lot of texture. The old one had folds and highlights (especially in the gold sections) that were amazing, now it looks flatter. Please restore the texture this skin had.

That’s all. Thank you for reading and I hope these changes can come true.