Periods too often! Diagnosed with Mild PCOS?
the yellow underline indicates days i had spotting, not full fledged bleeding.
I had normal periods always before this.
I'm 21, 36.2kg, underweight but always been skinny even if i eat well.
I'm a thalassemia minor by birth but no other concerns with health before this.
Doctor prescribed me CRINA NCR(progesterone) 10g. 1 each day for 15 days to regulate and rest my period cycle(dose started on 26th march)
also prescribed INOCOD . 1 each day for 3 months.
my pelvis ultrasound states that i have bulky ovaries & multiple tiny peripheral follicles.
Doctor told me to work on my lifestyle, said this could be related to lack of sleep, poor eating habits, lots of junk food which i kind of could work on but i didn't have the WORST lifestyle.. But said that cant see another reason in ultrasound etc.
Doctor said this can be worked on and is not serious as of now
usually what i read about pcos relates to weight gain, missed periods, painful periods, increase in facial hair. I don't experience any of these symptoms.
I have decided to work on my lifestyle and eat healthy today onwards and put conscious effort towards this.
However I'm worried if this is permanent. Also worried if these tablets will have side effects or affect my skin/periods/hormones in more ways. (doc told me no side effects to worry about)
If anyone has had a similar experience or any knowledge on this situation, i'd love to hear about it! Nobody in my family has pcos and i never had issues with periods so i'm a little surprised and scared today!
TLDR; Periods coming too often. Doctor says it could be poor lifestyle choices, prescribed progesterone tablet +1 more ovarian function tablet. Doctor says its not so serious rn. Worried if this is permanent. Looking for anyone who has had a similar experience.
the yellow underline indicates days i had spotting, not full fledged bleeding.
I had normal periods always before this.
I'm 21, 36.2kg, underweight but always been skinny even if i eat well.
I'm a thalassemia minor by birth but no other concerns with health before this.
Doctor prescribed me CRINA NCR(progesterone) 10g. 1 each day for 15 days to regulate and rest my period cycle(dose started on 26th march)
also prescribed INOCOD . 1 each day for 3 months.
my pelvis ultrasound states that i have bulky ovaries & multiple tiny peripheral follicles.
Doctor told me to work on my lifestyle, said this could be related to lack of sleep, poor eating habits, lots of junk food which i kind of could work on but i didn't have the WORST lifestyle.. But said that cant see another reason in ultrasound etc.
Doctor said this can be worked on and is not serious as of now
usually what i read about pcos relates to weight gain, missed periods, painful periods, increase in facial hair. I don't experience any of these symptoms.
I have decided to work on my lifestyle and eat healthy today onwards and put conscious effort towards this.
However I'm worried if this is permanent. Also worried if these tablets will have side effects or affect my skin/periods/hormones in more ways. (doc told me no side effects to worry about)
If anyone has had a similar experience or any knowledge on this situation, i'd love to hear about it! Nobody in my family has pcos and i never had issues with periods so i'm a little surprised and scared today!
TLDR; Periods coming too often. Doctor says it could be poor lifestyle choices, prescribed progesterone tablet +1 more ovarian function tablet. Doctor says its not so serious rn. Worried if this is permanent. Looking for anyone who has had a similar experience.