Third time lucky!

I'm so happy!! I will say I had 2 bananas the first test, 1 before the second, and none before today...

My first fail was not properly checking my mirrors when going around a roundabout that used the right lane on approach to go ahead but then splitting into the two lanes for ahead and right. It was harsh but I do think fair, the roundabout itself is tricky.

I was so upset after the second fail, I had waited so long for the test and the fail was so so dumb - I took a T junction as though it was just a normal bend in the road and didn't even look to my left. Completely fair fail and I can laugh looking back as the road I ignored is very quiet but eeeeasily could have been a dangerous fault if there were people there.

The main upset came from the thought of having to wait another 6 months. It is so distressing and I really didn't want to pay any scalpers for a test however I was ready to go again as soon as possible. I honestly was more upset over the thought of waiting so long than the faults as I knew they were something I can work on.

I cannot stress enough how good the Chrome extension is as it got me a test first for June (my theory was going to run out mid-June) and then found one mid-March. My driving instructor then swapped me with one of his other students to push me a couple of weeks earlier to today.

I will probably keep lurking here as I have the last year of me learning as there's so much good advice and questions. If anyone is learning around MK/Bletchley good luck too!! I did not have to do the Roman roundabout which also reduced a lot of nerves!!