PSA: Peculiar dragon is a misleading trap.

The power info for the node makes it seem like they just have lots of tiny units with amazing play abilities, which they do, including rally, kill 2 units, even the guy who has overwhelm and gets all your unit power combined all for 1 mana each(forgot his name, begins with an A).

But the real problem is there are no 1/1s despite it clearly being worded in a way that should still spawn them as small units, not 6/6 minimum or often more. It seems like maybe a bug, so if we're lucky maybe they'll fix it because when a unit is in your hand or deck it's items are supposed to be active already, but they arent here. Meaning if they play a unit with the +5 +5 item, it goes to 1/1 first then gets the item stats added to it. This makes this node absolutely ridiculous with them spamming a full board almost immediately that is all bigger than the two or 3 if youre lucky units you can play. Then they rally and attack you for 100 on the first turn.

This adventure has a lot of wonky node difficulty but this just seems insane and its getting old having to play adventures and waste runs dying just to figure out which nodes are horrible nightmares to enter.