How do I get rid of the Tobii Eyetracking popup?

For about 3 weeks I've been randomly getting this popup in windows saying "You'll need a new app to open this tobiieyetracking link" but the popup doesn't do anything. I saw the Tobii icon in the tray, one option does nothing when I right click on it, the other option takes me to the Windows app store for an app with nothing but reviews saying it doesn't even install. The popup seems to appear randomly, even when I'm not at the laptop. It popped up twice since I was writing this.

I just want to make this popup stop appearing and interrupting my work. If I have to install some tobiieyetracking software, then fine but how do I do that? I have no need or interest in eyetracking software so I'd rather not have it, but whatever is the easiest way to stop this popup is fine with me.

It looks like getting rid of it was a huge headache, I'm wondering if a solution has been simplified recently. Other posts here related to tobiieyetracking seem to be older and look discouraging so I wanted to start fresh with my issue.