Want some SC 400 buying tips
Hi all, so I’ve been driving a GS 400 for about a year and decided that I fell in love 90s-2000s Lexuses
Then I stumbled upon the SC 300/400 and it quickly became one of my dream cars, I even say that the car gives the LFA a run for its money at times with looks (maybe a warm/cool take)
But I’m happy to say I’m financial ready now to buy one so I’m in the market now with a budget of <= $15,000
I don’t really care which of the 2 I get but it’s most likely going to be a 400 since they are easier to find, I’m also willing to travel for one
I wanted to know if anyone has tips or advice?
Are there any particular years to avoid?
Things I should look out for?
And Buying used car tips in general