Freedom over security?

What are most libertarian thoughts on this/regarding my situation? Here it goes.

So I'm a neurodivergent adult (I have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder). While I may be "slow" or disabled, I don't think I'm as bad as my mom genuinely thinks I am or as bad as she has led me to believe, and most of my friends and online commenters tend to agree. My mom is very paranoid and overprotective and I am very sheltered. In her mind, she thinks she's protecting me from an evil world and maybe that's true. But at the same time, she isn't letting me grow up or letting me be an adult (and I am way past 18). I am not allowed to date or have sex or vote. I am not supposed to be on social media but I am behind her back. I'm not allowed to walk around in a store without her being by my side or within eyesight. I can't even walk up the road by myself or leave the house without her/by myself. I don't even get to hang out with friends or do any activities outside the home (except shopping or occasionally eating at restaurants, during which she's always there with me). However, doing activities like some type of recreational socialization thing or taking yoga or martial arts classes is out of the question because "I might get kidnapped" or "someone might shoot up the place" or "I might make friends or meet people who will be bad influences or bad people in my life". She wants me at home where she knows I'm safe. But I'm literally not doing anything with my life and I feel like I wasted my 20s, all because of her control over my life. Before you comment anything about how she cares about me and loves me (which I'm sure is true in her own weird way), keep in mind I am not a minor, I am an adult, and think about how you'd feel if you were me. Imagine how pissed you'd be if the government was stepping on your rights and freedoms like this but instead it was your parents because of a disability and the government is even an enabler.

If it's wrong for the government to limit our freedoms/rights to protect us, then why is it okay when it's parents doing it to their adult daughter or son, over a disability? In both cases, it's about security being valued over freedom and rights. Isn't there a conservative quote that says something like if you trade freedom for security, you don't deserve either? Shouldn't I have the autonomy to choose my freedom and rights over my security, especially if I can understand that I'm having my rights and freedoms stepped on and if I'm able to verbally articulate that I'd rather have freedom and basic human rights rather than security?

Not sure if it's relevant for this post but my mom is super religious and a conservative Republican. I actually had a conservative Mormon friend call my mom "a woke liberal" – despite knowing she's a conservative Republican – because he said her thinking she knows what's best for me more than I do makes her "woke" (his words, not mine). But I've had people on both sides of the political spectrum say how my mom treats me isn't right and some even called it borderline abusive or downright abusive (their words, not mine). But one person in the Christian sub (I posted there for spiritual advice) told me to shut up, that I was just mad because I couldn't do whatever I want, as if I'm an angsty teenager who thinks they're grown when I am literally an adult who is grown and who just wants basic rights and freedoms like any other adult (I hope I don't have the same experience here in a sub that's supposed to value freedom and rights above all).

What this has to do with libertarianism? Because I want libertarian opinions/thoughts on my situation since from my understanding libertarians usually value freedom over security.

Should my freedom be valued over my security? Is it justified, in my case, to make me choose security over my freedom?

I was even told that if I left home or "run away" that my mom could call the cops and have them bring me back because I'm officially diagnosed with a mental disability and she could tell them I'm incompetent and it'll be her word over mine (that's what I meant when I said the government is an enabler).

So thoughts?