i’m about to travel across europe and my parents just sat me down and called me selfish
i don’t even know how to take it because for the most part, i really don’t care about what they think. but obviously part of me is still hurt by their words.
my goal for 2024 was always to graduate uni and go travel, and travel across europe has always been a huge bucket list thing for me. i’m 25 and just graduated this june, i saved up all my money from august last year so i can make this trip happen. i have a full time job right now and while in school, i worked 2 part time jobs while finishing up my year. i worked my ass off to get where i am today and apparently according to my mom and dad, i am “selfish” for choosing to go to europe when i can be sitting at home givin them money.
mind you, all our lives, my parents have always prided themselves in saying “we don’t ask our kids for rent, compensation, etc” like “other parents do”. i contribute in other ways, buying snacks, fruits, i bought them their coffee table, etc when i am able to. it’s like they see me doing something this big and it pisses them off. i never ask them for a dime and haven’t since i was 16. so what do u think? am i being selfish and owe my family more? i’ve been working full time for 2 months at a entry level job lol