New here and just slowly realizing things after a recent bad break up
I had a bad break up of a 2 1/2 year relationship. I’ve been doing A LOT of thinking. He broke up with me on February 3, and it’s been an emotional roller coaster. I just kept wondering why? The way he broke up with me left me completely blindsided and just made no sense. I broke up with him January 6 and we got back together a week later and we were so happy to start fresh. 3 weeks later he gives up. Texts me throughout the day like normal. Says he wants to come over and bring me my favorite food. He shows up with not only my food but a box of gifts I gave him over the last few years. The reasoning: he was over it, it started to feel like a chore texting me, he wanted to find himself and focus on working out and making money, didn’t like where he was in life, some things he didn’t like about me, and that he couldn’t see a future cause we kept almost breaking up and have broken up twice already.
I broke up with him in January 2024 and he begged me to give him another chance. It’s cause he got mad at me for not crossing the street with him when he stopped a car from driving in the middle of the road by holding his palm out to the driver to have me cross the street with him. He wasn’t using a crosswalk. I just waited and said it’s fine. I wanted to wait till there were no cars. We drove seperate that day (we got breakfast but I had to work right after) and he got in his car and drove off while keeping his window rolled up and I tried talking to him. He drove to my work and parked on the side of the street.
He yelled at me, was so angry and said I embarrassed him and acted like I was single cause I wasn’t following him. He held this breakup over my head for a year because I “traumatized” him by showing up to his house with boxes to pack my shit and it surprised him. In the end of our last moments of our relationship when he broke up with me, he said “I shouldn’t have to beg someone to be with me.” Simply missing the part that we broke up twice cause of his behavior and it wasn’t changing. I’m just starting to see that a lot of his behaviors like the ones I mentioned here and the ones I didn’t mention made me wonder if he was a narcissist. I’m very positive he was and it’s just kind of overwhelming to process but makes so much sense.
TLDR: I’m pretty sure my ex was a narcissist and I’m just overwhelmed and seeing this 2 1/2 year relationship in a completely different light.